Saturday, February 18, 2006

Roomie fic

Every fandom has its fic kinks: the plot bunnies which repeat over and over. Buffy and Spike are put under a spell (wait, that really happened), Xander and Spike tied to his recliner, Mulder or Scully looking for the other one. With soap/drama set in the real world, the stories become more limited, due to the whole not-having-monsters thing. And a concentrated bout of reading fic reveals the core kinks. So here is a list of the components of a Roomies (or Reela, apparently) fic. Select a handful and make your own fic!

key things
- Ray with his shirt off
- Ray's t-shirts
- Ray's tattoos
- Ray's silver thumb-ring
- Ray being cocky (not that way)
- Ray being cocky (that way)
- Ray's guitar
- Ray shagging groupies loudly
- the walls of the flat being very thin
- Neela being prim
- Neela being innocent
- Neela having coffee/mocha skin
- Neela being really short
- Neela having good boobs
- Neela swearing in English English
- Neela dancing

plot bunnies
- one or other is naked or semi-naked in flat and is very conscious about it, despite them being doctors etc etc
- Ray gets beat up and/or shot and Neela has to treat him
- a playfight gets serious because Ray gets cocky (either way)
- Michael is killed in Iraq and Ray has to comfort Neela
- Neela is unhappy, realising that spoilering spoiler was a mistake, and turns to Ray for comfort
- Neela moves out and Ray realises he misses her
- Neela gets drunk and Ray has to handle her
- Neela realises she has a crush on Ray, they argue, they kiss and make up

PWP (where's the smut, goddamit!?)
- Ray and/or Neela have soft lips
- Neela pulls Ray close with his t-shirt
- Ray gets cocky (that way)
- they are big on the kissing, but always hold off on the rest

As always, there are the standard "end up marrying, having kids, blah blah blah" stories which seem to infest every fandom but I always assume those don't really count. I want *smut*.

I am, god help me, considering rising to the challenges over on Doctors in the House, with the proviso that I include either everything from the above list, or nothing.


Anonymous said...

Here via the neela_ray lj comm. Hee, seems like I'm not the only one to have developed a 'Roomie' fic (which I will take over the 'Reela' label) obsession. Good list.

one or other is naked or semi-naked in flat and is very conscious about it, despite them being doctors etc etc Ha! So true, this mainly seems to be caused by their getting soaked to the skin in the fics I've read. There's a definite fanon, which is inevitable given that it's uncanonical.

The things that have struck me were definitely the obsession with both their chests. Although, like you say, the fics never gets very explicit. I'd probably add Neela losing her temper to the list.

Mags said...

Neela losing her temper is just a default state, isn't it? ;)

I'll add it to the list: maybe I should get this written up as a silly post for neela_ray?

Anonymous said...

Neela losing her temper is just a default state, isn't it? ;)
Sure, but you've also got Ray trying to make her loe her temper a lot because she's how when she does that :)