Friday, February 24, 2006

Fic : Passing in the Night (1/1)

I'm on a roll, baby, yeah! This is in the WTF kind of zone because I have more plot bunnies hopping about my brain than Watership Down and this one isn't even one I was thinking of until I saw last night's episode. I walked to work thinking about it, then back from work, then just sat down and wrote...

Title: Passing in the Night (1/1)
Rating: FRT (aka PG13 / 12a)
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never were, never will be.
Spoilers: set in the hours after episode 12.08.
Content Warning: mild sexual whatnots.
A/N: I have read spoilers for later episodes, and this fits in between the end of 12.08 and the start of 12.09 but without spoiling 12.09. Yep, it's a missing scene type thing.

She sat coiled into the corner of the sofa, with the lights off and the news channel nearly muted. When she heard the key in the lock, she smiled to herself and looked around. He stood in the doorway, rucksack on one shoulder and dark marks around his eyes.

"Hey," Neela said quietly, her voice husky.

[read the rest]

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