Sunday, February 19, 2006

FIC: The Loneliness of the Long Haul Runner (1/1)

Damn new 'ship obsessions. Damn them all to hell. I didn't mean to write this tonight but I kinda of had the urge to have a go at Neela's voice. It's just up at LJ and silverlake for now, until I figure out the best way of including non-Whedon verse fic into this site.

Title: The Loneliness of the Long Haul Runner (1/1)
Author: SpikeDru
Rating: FRT, I guess. Damn, just when I'd figured out how to use dumb American ratings I have to learn a new system?
Disclaimer: Not mine. Never were, never will be.
Spoilers: set in early season 12 but no real spoilers
Content Warning: My, but I do like to swear. Nothing really rude, but if even the least bit of potty-mouth bothers you, avoid me.

She’d started to run as a teenager and she’d never stopped.

One drizzling autumn morning, stood shivering and recalcitrant in the schoolyard, Neela Rasgotra had suddenly seen how to escape it all. Her parents’ proud and determined expectations, her friends’ talk of boys and kissing, her enemies’ sniping at her inadequacies. Bookish Neela. Neela the exemplary student. Neela the Nerd. She’d started to run.

[read the rest here]

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