Sunday, February 19, 2006

fic rec: Mirror Image

Mirror Image
by Lilachigh
Buffy, post-The Body.
Author's summary: A few weeks have passed since Joyce’s death and Buffy is finding life hard. Help arrives in a very strange way.

rec notes: via betterbuffyfics. This is wonderful. It creates a frozen-over Buffy and then breaks the ice on her grief. Lovely, and tear-inducing.

I have not abandoned the Buffyverse or Fireflyverse just because I have a new obsession, you know. I promise. I even suspect the whole Neela/Ray thing is a transmigration of Buffy/Spike. Think about it:
He's a punk, she's obsessed with her job. They fight all the time, but when you watch ER you realise he's always watching her. OK, so she's the one to swear in British English but still...I'm getting a Beatrix/Benedict vibe from them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I definitely think Ray/Neela fit into the Beatrix/Benedict mould - I can think of several other couples that I 'ship (helLO Press Gang's Lynda and Spike) that follow that pattern. I'm not reall a Buffy/Spike shipper, but I do see the parallels that you bring up.