Friday, February 17, 2006

I spoilt myself

My name is SpikeDru and I am a spoilerphobe.

Way back, back in the pre-LJ days, the pre-squee and even the pre-'ship, I loved reading spoilers. I was addicted to episode guides of the X-Files. I just ate them up, night after night. This was in the era in which, to get an episode ahead of the UK's air date, you had to have understandng friends in the States who could tape a load and ship them over.

But at some point I pledged to read no more spoilers. I know only as much as the UK tv listing for a given week. The Zipper Heard Around the World was a surprise to me, etc etc. And then, tonight, I fell off the spoilerfree wagon and I fell hard. I just read an episode guide to all the aired episodes in this season's ER. And I did it not out of a compulsive interest in Luka, which would be fine and understandable. No, I did it because I have a new 'ship. Look, there's even a website whose fic archive I am even now devouring: Ray & Neela.

Neela: Weeks could go by and we might never see each other...
Ray: Months, even........ welcome, roomie!
Neela: ... God, I'm gonna regret this.

There are quotes and icons and there's even a term for this specific ship (roomies) and, well, I may have downloaded some caps in order to make my own icons...and I've been watching ER from the first episode so where the hell did this sudden obsession come from? I'm gonna claim the punk doc made me do it...


Anonymous said...

Hi, me again, and something of a me too to this. I blame a convenient cold meaning I had time to start a new fic reading obsession quite soon after series 12 began to air. (I'm in the UK too, so I think our timelines are probably matched.)

I've watched ER for years and years, and usually got spoilt for who was coming and going despite myself. But I wouldn't say I was fannish about it, just fairly into it, especially Luka.

Back when Neela moved in with Ray, and as Gallant had been shipped off the show, I thought that the show would indeed go there. And it hasn't, and I don't think it will, but I really like the dynamic, it fits with other couples I 'ship, and I'm still busily reading fic. It was definitely unexpected, though.

Mags said...

Thi is what has surprised me: over a decade of following a show, and I suddenly go fannish, but only over one particular 'ship. WTF?

I do think, this being ER, that unless there is a bigger spoiler than the big one I know is coming up in a couple of weeks, there's always a possibility of a Ray/Neela storyline. Simply because all the docs seem to have relationships with all the other docs or nurses at some point - is there any regular major female character Luka hasn't got entangled with? Carter and Cordey weren' slouches either.

Anonymous said...

I know what spoiler you mean. Certainly, so long as both actors remain contracted on the show, it could happen (and it seems like such an obvious one to me that I can't believe they won't).

is there any regular major female character Luka hasn't got entangled with?
I was going to say Kerry, but I'm fairly sure she had a little crush on him when he first arrived and she wasn't out as a lesbian.

Carter and Cordey weren' slouches either. Heh, no. Right at the end, I thought they mght be going Carter/Corday, but no, she was leaving.

I think it may have been the Ray/Zoe and the 'why isn't it happening now' element that tipped me over.