Tuesday, November 08, 2005


You know things are going too far when your tai chi teacher mentions serenity and you think not of balancing the chi but of Firefly.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
4,392 / 8,000

Well, some of them are already being cut out, due to not being relevant to the plot. I just like writing Kaylee. So, here's the now cut bit.

Two coolies in temple dress code were waiting with a mule. Not the latest model, but still shiny compared to the heap of scrap Serenity had.

‘Oh, hey, cool. A Janssen-Wen triple three forty,’ she said, running her eye automatically over it. Weren’t like she could help it, just a bit of her brain liked cataloguing the hardware.

‘Yes, ma’am,’ one of the girls said.

‘Oh, you don’ need to ma’am me. I’m just the engineer. This has the chassis of the three ten combined with the control rig o’ the SR-I model, don’t it?’

‘Kaylee!’ Mal was striding down the ramp with a face like a whole month full o’ damp Sundays. ‘Let them get on with their jobs.’

‘But Cap-‘

See, it's just futuretechnobabble for the fun of writing Kaylee technobabbling.

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