Sunday, November 06, 2005

Darn it all to heck

Damn. Damndiddy Damn damn damn. I don't need another WIP to follow. You know how it goes, you start reading, you invest, you wait a year for another entry or the whole thing dies. It's a reason I'm trying to write all of my multi-part stuff before publishing. And yet... I decided to read Book's Legacy by Jedi Buttercup over on LJ. It's a post Serenity movie Firefly fic with links to the Buffyverse. The first parts seem a little sparse and I'm not a fan of "ficlet series" - if you've got that much of a story to tell, tell it proper - but she's up to Chapter 5 now and is starting to write longer parts which have shape to them. She's captured Mal's voice for the narrative, and the dialogue for the others works well (although we've yet to see Inara). The breakfast scene in part 5 made me burst out laughing. Since good firefly fic is hard to find, I'm going to be following this WIP from now on.

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