Monday, October 10, 2005

Sure is a purdy lookin' fella


That was unexpected.

I went to see Serenity at the weekend, like all good Joss fans bumping up the take. Actually, I went twice. But at different cinemas in different cities so no-one realised I was being a menky geek. I should probably point out I was in different cities on account of travelling for work (i.e. the second viewing is on expenses).

I was late to the Firefly fan party, seeing as the phrase "Western in space" just makes me think of gou-su like Star Trek. Then when I did fall for Firefly, I fell hard. But not for any one character, or any particular pairing, just for the whole gorram set-up and story-telling. Not one of the characters got me all tingling, or caused hot and sweaty thoughts about their nekkidity. This was, I thought, a sign of my own growth and maturity. Hells, even Spike doesn't cause the same naughty thoughts as he used to. See, growth and maturity. No more crushes on fictional characters for me.

So I'm a bit surprised to discover I have developed a crush on Mal. Course, he's a bit nastier in the film and thus appealing to the side of me that likes men with dark violent thoughts but still...

(Although the nekkidity still ain't appealing. Semi-clothed. Semi-clothed is good...)

1 comment:

Mags said...

There are two shots clearly there for fans of Captain Tight-pants. One of which is during the big action finale.