Sunday, October 16, 2005

the pitter patter of tiny feet in big combat boots

I've done perhaps half the work on the new look website: look at the shiny new design. You can flip between a Buffy or a Firefly style, although they both need a little work still on the basics. The remaining things to do are:
  • decide the navigation
  • fix that wierd thing with the header under firefox
  • reformat the existing fic pages (4/7 complete)
  • reformat the blog


Anonymous said...

Hi, there,

I've been visiting The Order of Aurelius for about a year - maybe a year and a half. I stop by about once/month to look for new fic and sometimes to read your blog. I've never posted before, b/c I really didn't think I had much to contribute.

I have recced your old site and your fic in my LJ.

I like your new site, but I have a question: what happened to ALL your buffy and angel fic? I noticed that Kali Dances, one of my favorites, is missing....

That's it! Good luck with the new site; I'll keep checking to see what's new.

Mags said...

Kali Dances just isn't formatted yet! Should be on it tonight or tomorrow.

Thanks for posting...