Sunday, October 30, 2005

totally meh

The weather is still shitty, though I did a nice wholesome walk to the shops today, and the cat is still behind the sofa.

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
4,061 / 8,000

Saturday, October 29, 2005

still working

It's cold, windy and raining outside. The cat is huddled in its favourite hiding place behind the sofa due to overexcited idiots letting off fireworks a week before Guy Fawkes Night. there is nowt on telly that I want to watch and so...

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
3,826 / 8,000

WIP, er, progress

Ignore the fact that "WIP progress" is a what'sit...because it actually means "Work in Progress progress". Isn't this a neat tool?

Zokutou word meterZokutou word meter
2,842 / 8,000

This is from the zukutou website and shows the progress of Even Cowgirls Get the Blues.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Serenity in 2000 Words or Less

Serenity in 2000 words with BIG BIG spoilers, people.

JAYNE: Reavers!


EVERYBODY ELSE: Run away like little girls!

oh yeah, and the gorram fic

I got hold of all three issues of the Serenity comic yesterday, devoured them (not literally) and realised they didn't effect the fic I've been dawdling over since the other week. The whole thing is definitely called Even Cowgirls Get the Blues and I finished part 1 of it, provisionally titled The Best Little Whorehouse on the Rim, last night but I want to write the other three parts before I post it.

The Serenity comic does a very nice job of moving us from somewhere after Out of Gas through to somewhere before Serenity the movie. Joss always seems to get some of the finest comic book artists around - the run on Astounishing X-Men is beautiful - and this is no exception. Yet the whole thing reads like a bit of a continuity exercise: villains from the series return only to make way, in the final panels, to the Agent from the film. Badger - and who doesn't love Badger? - reappears and helpfully mentions the twins who replace him in the film. The reason Book has left is revealed. It presses all the fan buttons, in other words.

nearly there

I've applied the shiny new styles to the blog, and finished reformatting all the fiction. I've even got the RSS feeds for the links on the other stuff pages to look more or less right. There is still the following to solve:

  • formatting of the blogroll

  • formatting of other other lists in the left hand column of the blog

  • that gorram bug with IE

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Good Vibrations

fic rec: Good Vibrations
There's one line in Serenity which causes audiences to burst out laughing, every time I've seen it. This little fic by liquid eyes does a really nice job of combining Kaylee's engineering skills with them other needs of hers.

Sunday, October 16, 2005

the pitter patter of tiny feet in big combat boots

I've done perhaps half the work on the new look website: look at the shiny new design. You can flip between a Buffy or a Firefly style, although they both need a little work still on the basics. The remaining things to do are:
  • decide the navigation
  • fix that wierd thing with the header under firefox
  • reformat the existing fic pages (4/7 complete)
  • reformat the blog

Thursday, October 13, 2005


One of the things you really notice about Whedon's work is the love of language. It is something to be played with, twirled around and twisted into new shapes and syntax. Buffyspeak is not real Valleyspeak and Firefly is in its own gorram universe of language. It's archaic, it's futuristic and it's just plain odd. Yet it is always understandable. I can't think of another scriptwriter with such a love of words and wordplay as Whedon. There's the fact that I unconsciously call things that are good "shiny" (I had to explain it to a colleague recently) or that "scary visual place" evokes a particular voice in my head. Sometimes, in an idle moment, I wonder if a handful of Firefly fans using "shiny" to denote "good" will eventually spread the word, meme-like, until the fictional meaning comes to be the norm. Then there is "corpsified" which is just a great word.

The big problem is writing Firefly fiction which evokes its futurespeak without just borrowing phrases wholesale. That's a problem with any fanfic: badfic sites always mentioning the borrowing of memorable phrases. I've been a member of the worthless word of the day mailing list for a long while now and it struck me tonight that here is a source for archaic and/or obscure words to use in Firefly fanfic. F'example:
[Spanish picaron] /pik uh ROON/
1) a rogue or adventurer; a bohemian
2) a pirate, corsair
3) a small pirate ship
[fr. Sc. knap, to bite] /ka(r) NAP shus/
Scots & Irish dial. : bad-tempered, irritable, grumpy
[fr. cahoots : collaboration, collusion]
conspiring, plotting
See? Hours of fun.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

no power in the verse can stop me

What with all this new found Mal-lust, and the fact I have 1400 words of firefly fic in progress (subject to change when I get around to reading the Serenity mini-series comic*) I've decided the time has come for version 3 of the order of aurelius and this here blog. The site's going to be an archive just of my fic without all the other fripperies and folderols. I guess it'll divide into Buffyverse and Fireflyverse sections but I've been learning some css and rss tricks and I'll be using them to make it smooth. Well, maybe I can do a fic rec thing, using some cute code to make it easy to maintain...

So anyway, this is advance notice that these pages may go all squiffy for a bit whilst I piss about with code.

*which no-one told me was filling in the gaps between Objects in Space and Serenity (film). I thought it was one of those dreadful tie-in comic versions of the film and thus avoided it. And #1 is rare. Grrr.

update: the comic shop had #3, but not #1 and #2. Have got them on order.

Monday, October 10, 2005

Sure is a purdy lookin' fella


That was unexpected.

I went to see Serenity at the weekend, like all good Joss fans bumping up the take. Actually, I went twice. But at different cinemas in different cities so no-one realised I was being a menky geek. I should probably point out I was in different cities on account of travelling for work (i.e. the second viewing is on expenses).

I was late to the Firefly fan party, seeing as the phrase "Western in space" just makes me think of gou-su like Star Trek. Then when I did fall for Firefly, I fell hard. But not for any one character, or any particular pairing, just for the whole gorram set-up and story-telling. Not one of the characters got me all tingling, or caused hot and sweaty thoughts about their nekkidity. This was, I thought, a sign of my own growth and maturity. Hells, even Spike doesn't cause the same naughty thoughts as he used to. See, growth and maturity. No more crushes on fictional characters for me.

So I'm a bit surprised to discover I have developed a crush on Mal. Course, he's a bit nastier in the film and thus appealing to the side of me that likes men with dark violent thoughts but still...

(Although the nekkidity still ain't appealing. Semi-clothed. Semi-clothed is good...)

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Three Deep

pimpage for Three Deep, the multi-universe, multi-programme, mutli-lovered, multi-everything virtual season by alira, Barb C, Cyn, Dori, dutchbuffy, Kalima, Klytaimnestra, macha, pip and Sylvia. Yep, that's one heck of a writing team.