Thursday, October 23, 2003

Someone I know has written a Buffy guide (Dusted) and asked myself and various other obsessives what Buffyisms we use in daily speech. I'm not sure how many, if any, of mine have made it into the book so here's my (non-exhaustive) list so far:
    Spoken aloud:
  • Beer bad

  • plus, fire? pretty

  • but not from your perspective

  • I just deja'd this vu

  • bored now

  • what you have there is paperwork

  • avoid-y girl

  • SpikeDru and [something] are unmixy things
  • (with the something being whatever I am failing to get right)
  • did anyone else just go to a scary visual place? (aka just "scary visual place")

    Just thought:

  • knowledge should smell (when working with old books)

  • somebody slaughtered an Abercrombie and Fitch catalog (when seeing someone in A&F clothing)

I'm about to revamp (ha!) the main site, restoring my fic and dumping the graphics. Plus a shiny sitemap including links to the more researched blog things.

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