Thursday, February 20, 2003

I just love your wicked energy

After watching First Date, I griped that the removal of the chip seemed to have turned Spike rather stoic. Somewhat prosaic. Sure, he had a certain keen-ness to interupt Buffy's date but he was just so lacking in vibrancy, in that wicked energy that Buffy seems finally to have accepted is one of her favourite things in men. Spike has been many different moral shades: the Big Bad, the cuckold, the drunken heartbroken, the angry victim, someone who fights with the good side simply so he can have a "spot of violence before bed", the too-ardent lover. Whatever he's been though, he's been passionate about it. He threw himself into things, body and demon. He was a dancing, seductively smiling, bundle of wicked energy. Tightly coiled and always ready to explode.

I privately remarked that the unbelievably placid, house-broken Spike had better be the calm before the storm.

Oh yes. Tonight I got Get It Done. When he loses the muted shirts and pulls on that coat...when he leans back and howls with laughter...when he lights the cigarette...when he realises that killing is part of him...his definition...oh yes. The coat is obviously going to end up being ripped away again but it's not really about the coat. It's that swagger, that confidence, that wicked energy.

It's Spike, and he's wearing the coat.

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