Monday, January 23, 2006

that writing meme

10 ways to know you're reading a SpikeDru fic:

  1. It's been at least three months since the last one.
  2. The POV is strictly held in a given chapter or scene because
  3. There'll be stuff about perception (e.g. the differing views in Hurt/Comfort).
  4. At least one English English word will slip though the net.
  5. There's a technical word for it, which I have forgotten, but lots of descriptive sentences will take the form "pronoun verb adjective noun, blah blah blah" instead of being two seperate sentences. E.g. "There were hurried noises as the walking wounded reboarded the bus, the mosquito whine of Andrew a distant irritant." from Nineteen Days.
  6. Spike or Mal will be partially nekkid. (well, Mal will be in Cowgirls when I get to the right chapter).
  7. There will be almost no "he said" or "she said", or thesaurused versions (she exclaimed).
  8. Canon is your friend and the story will dart between canonical elements like a fish in a stream (i.e. no AU, rarely any OC). Well, OK, Kali Dances is AU, but I started writing it before Angel series 5 aired and finished it after.
  9. It won't be epic or mammoth and will rarely be in chapters (Cowgirls is the first to come out as a WIP in chapters).
  10. It won't use the whole cast. I tend to pick two or three characters to use and I don't feel the need to cram all the others in just to show that I'm using them.

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