Friday, September 09, 2005

It's Not Porn, I Swear!

I am silent on the Buffyverse front. Although I am not sure whether to be amused or alarmed by the idea of a Spike movie. When someone raised it - and the various points at which it could be set - I realised I had passed the Fanfic Event Horizon because it didn't occur to me for at least five minutes that, you know, it won't be set after Angel because Spike is probably dead. I read so much post-Angel fic with Spike who survived the alleyway that I totally forgot that canonically he's dead. Again. I'm half thinking "isn't he in Rome fighting the Immortal?" before remembering that is only in Mortal Wounds, Treacle_A's fic.

Meanwhile, I have seen Serenity.

I'm also having strange feelings for the hobbity actor from Lost. All these years of Spike lust have left me programmed to like whichever character in an American series who:
a) is English
b) has a regional accent
c) is prone to rock star behaviour
d) is a scruffy skank.
Thus I find Mason from Dead Like Me rather sweet despite the fact he'd be an utter millstone if you knew him and am now considering ignoring Charlie's lack of height. Thank the Gods I don't watch House.

My main online pasttime these days is being snarky in the comments on Bam's blog. It's Not Porn, I Swear. It is Evil. It is fun.


Anonymous said...

I encourage evil, snark, and fun on my site, it's true.

Spikedru, if you haven't read the Southern Vampire series by Charlaine Harris, you should check it out. There's a Viking vamp there named Eric who is just super-hot. And hey, it's fun to read.

Mags said...

Not Eric "pull my finger" the Viking? Coz I love that cover.

Anonymous said...

Oh, no, no. Not that guy. This guy dresses in Dolce & Gabana and owns a vamp club. He's all classy and shit.