Thursday, May 26, 2005

once in the Boxer Rebellion...

I'm not dead. True, I've been absent for a very long time. You can, if you wish, imagine I have been living off rats and listening to Barry Manilow for the last year. It's not true, and I prefer to think of myself hanging around the Left Bank being all artsy - possibly saying "ciao" too much - but I am still alive. And pimping.

To wit:
Faction Paradox : Warring States
(read a preview here)

This is a novel by someone close to me and is set in the Boxer Rebellion. Mags had never even heard of the Boxer Rebellion until she watched Buffy and was utterly smitten by the Gang of Four's walk through the fire in Fool for Love. As a result, she started to research the period, then she wrote this novel set during it. It's about war, loss and reconnection; the dual between rational and spiritual; trust and betrayal. Plus, big fight scenes, oddles of blood, time-travelling Victorian voodoo cultists and tai chi.

Her editor, knowing her love of all things Spikey and being a bit of a Buffy fan himself, has done his best to remove all references to vampires from it but there are a few little nods and winks (especially for anyone who's read Mr Grieves and the Fallen Woman). And if you look hard at the cover you might notice something familiar about the western woman's clothing. If you like my writing then you might like Mags', although she is much less prone to ensuring Spike flesh is involved.

The same publisher will be publishing the sublime Kalima's novel Erasing Sherlock later this year so clearly it is a company of taste!

End of pimp

(oh, except for a swift pimp for another WIP - Three Deep by Barb C, Kalima etc etc)

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