Sunday, March 28, 2004

Something old. So old it pre-dates the written word.
(Tara, Buffy 5.08, Shadow)

I'm alway so behind on this blog. In fairness, this is because my alter ego* is frighteningly busy and so writing up my Buffy/Angel thoughts coherently is a low priority.

So anyway, a passing note before I write up my diatribe about Hole in the World/ Shells...

I'm just watching some of season 5 of Buffy again on tape. Apart from far too many growls of lust for Spike (how has he aged as quickly as he has? how?), I snorted with laughter when Tara works out Glory is "older than the written word" and therefore they won't find anything in the books. I'm not mentioning Hole in the World. I'm not. Not at all. No.

Oh, and I've added haloscan comment linsk now, as the old place vanished.

*actually, this is my alter-ego to an alter-ego that somehow got conflabulated into my RL world. Stupid online personalities...

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